CON is a reserve world in windows operating system.
that’s why we can not create the folder named as
But by command prompt we can do this
STEP1: goto command prompt
STEP2: type in prompt e:\> “mkdir \\.\e:\con”
STEP3: verify by typing “dir \\.\e:\con”
STEP4: delete the file or folder “rmdir \\.\e:\con”
ollowing file names in Windows are reserved because they represent devices:
con, con.* -> the console
prn, prn.* -> the default printer, as a character device
aux, aux.* -> the default serial terminal, as a character device
lpt1, lpt2, lpt3, lpt4, lpt5, lpt6, lpt7, lpt8, lpt9 -> the parallel ports, as character devices
lpt1.*, lpt2.*, lpt3.*, lpt4.*, lpt5.*, lpt6.*, lpt7.*, lpt8.*, lpt9.*
com1, com2, com3, com4, com5, com6, com7, com8, com9 -> the serial ports, as character devices
com1.*, com2.*, com3.*, com4.*, com5.*, com6.*, com7.*, com8.*, com9.*
nul, nul.* -> the NUL or “waste bit bucket” or “black hole for bits” or “/dev/null” device
Such files are considered to “exist” in all directories, so if you have a filename like “c:\temp\con”, you’re talking about the CON device, not about a normal disk file called “con”. They’re not listed using the “dir” command, or using APIs.
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